07 March 2020 16:49

The information of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan -UPDATED

Urgent measures are being taken to prevent the threats that the coronavirus (COVİD - 19) disease might cause in the territory of Azerbaijan. 
In accordance with  the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers, to prevent the growth of number of the infection cases and to continue the conducting the preventive, cleaning and disinfection measures at all educational establishements situated in the country, the teaching, learning and educational process is suspended during March 10-20, 2020 (the first academic (school) day has been scheduled for March 27) at all education establishements and all activities related to this process have been postponed.


The government of the Republic of Azerbaijan has decided to donate $5 million of financial aid on humanitarian basis to the Islamic Republic of Iran in its fight against the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). The Cabinet of Ministers issued the Order on allocation of these funds from the Reserve Fund of the state budget for 2020. There are friendly and good neighborly relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Islamic Republic of Iran. The relevant ministries and state bodies of both countries work closely to prevent the spread of the COVID-19.

The Republic of Azerbaijan supports the efforts of the international community to tackle COVID-19 outbreak continuing its fruitful cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO)

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