The Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions is a public legal entity which carries out management the affiliated medical entities of the state healthcare system and supervision in this sphere.

The main objective of TABIB is to ensure arrangement of medical services at healthcare entities and take measures to improve the quality of medical services. TABIB also aligns activities of medical entities with requirements of mandatory health insurance system.

On May 13, 2022, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a Decree to improve the effectiveness of measures taken in the field of public health protection, ensure the financial sustainability of the healthcare system, as well as increase the quality and accessibility of  medical services.

According to the Decree, the current management and supervision of TABIB is carried out by the Supervisory Board comprising of the Chairman and 4 members appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Supervisory Board of TABIB is formed in the composition of the Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency), Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and Chairman of the Trade Union of Health Workers.

The current management of TABIB is carried out by Executive Director and his three deputies appointed and dismissed by the Supervisory Board of TABIB. According to the Decree, TABIB carries out management and supervision of medical entities of the state health system transferred to its authority.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On medical insurance”, TABIB determines the tariffs for medical services not included in the Benefit Package, which are provided on a paid basis by state medical entities attached to TABIB, as well as tariffs for healthcare services provided to persons who are not considered as being insured under the given Law.

Medical services are provided at medical entities attached to TABIB under Benefit Package of mandatory health insurance. If it is not possible to provide relevant medical services at  state healthcare entities attached to TABIB, the insured is issued a reference to one of the medical entities contracted by the Agency.

Maintenance and operation of TABIB is carried out at the expense of state budget allocations, proceeds from performed work (provided services) in line with the scope of activities, donations, grants, and funds received from other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation.

Address: Baku, Yasamal district, Nariman Narimanov street 206 A, "Capital Towers" Business Center, AZ 1065 

Administration: Vugar Gurbanov, Executive Director of TABIB.

TABIB was established by the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance pursuant to the Decree of the Republic of Azerbaijan № 418, dated December 20, 2018. In accordance with this Decree, medical entities of the state healthcare system (with exceptions) were transferred to the authority of TABIB.

The list of medical entities attached to TABIB, was approved with resolution of the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 12, 2019. The resolution came into effect from January 1, 2020

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