19 May 2022 14:13

A meeting was held at the Agency with representatives of the World Bank

Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) Zaur Aliyev met with Tania Dmitrachenko, the Health, Nutrition, and Population Practices Manager of the World Bank in the European and Central Asian region, who is visiting Azerbaijan.

At the meeting, ideas were exchanged on the project aimed at the digitalization of healthcare and the improvement of the medical claims management system; this will be achieved with the support of the World Bank within the framework of the technical assistance project titled "Development of the Electronic Healthcare and Medical Claims Management System." It was stated that international experts are analyzing the payment mechanism of the cost of medical services provided to the population and the medical claims management system under mandatory health insurance. During the trip, the guests will visit medical facilities to become familiar with the current state of the mechanism for making payments to medical suppliers.

The delegation will also hold meetings with the Ministry of Health, TABIB, and other stakeholders with the purpose of improving the e-health system. Upon completion of the project, presentations will be delivered to relevant organizations, covering the World Bank's technical recommendations regarding the draft of Azerbaijan's National Health Information Strategy for 2022-2026 years and the development of the medical claims management system.

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