12 September 2022 17:38

A meeting was held devoted to the first component of the Twinning Project entitled “Strengthening Mandatory Health Insurance Mechanisms in Azerbaijan”

A seminar was held in the framework of the Twinning Project entitled “Strengthening mandatory health insurance mechanisms in Azerbaijan”. The seminar was devoted to the first component of the project covering the strengthening of legal and institutional frameworks for ensuring quality medical services for the public.

The seminar was attended by Ms. Nigar Bayramova, the Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, the representatives of the relevant departments of the Agency, Ms. Evelina Galciute, the Deputy Chief of the Legal department of the National Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of Lithuania, Mr. Tomas Ragauskas, the Chief of the Legal department of the Fund, and Mr. Gediminas Cerniauskas, the Resident Twinning Advisor of the Twinning Project.

The Lithuanian experts made presentations on the health system functioning in their country, the lines of activity of health structures, the formation of the Benefits Package, and the criteria with respect to concluding contracts with medical suppliers.

It is noteworthy that the Twinning Project is being implemented with the financial support of the European Union in cooperation with the National Health Insurance Fund at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania and the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance.

The goal of the project is to contribute to the strengthening of public health sector sustainability in Azerbaijan by supporting the improvement of quality and accessibility of health care services in the country in line with advanced European practices.

To provide some background information, the years 2017-2019 have already seen the implementation of the Twinning Project entitled “Support to Mandatory Health Insurance System in Azerbaijan” with the financial support of the European Union. The currently implemented Twinning Project entitled “Strengthening the Mandatory Health Insurance Mechanisms in Azerbaijan” will continue as the II phase of the previous project.

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