03 December 2021 09:15

A meeting was held for the new staff of the Supervisory Board of the National Center for Hematology and Transfusiology was held

On December 2nd, 2021, a meeting of the new staff of the Supervisory Board of the public legal entity, the National Center for Hematology and Transfusiology (the Center) was held. The event was attended by Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency), Nigar Bayramova, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Valeh Huseynov, Executive Director of the Center, Soltan Mammadov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and board members.

Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the Agency, said that the Supervisory Board plays an important role in decision-making on the activities of the Center: “Because the Supervisory Board is independent in making decisions. As the Board oversees the activities of the Center, it must take an active part in the management of works and making proposals for decision-making. Taking decisions on the development of personnel policy, internal issues and supervising the activities of the center are included in the obligations of the Board”.

Speaking about the responsibilities of the Supervisory Board, Soltan Mammadov said that increasing the number of members would contribute to the activities of the Center.

It should be noted that the staff members of the Supervisory Board of the Center were approved by Decision No. 31 of the Board of the Agency, dated November 30th, 2021. The Supervisory Board consists of 5 members, including the chairman: Hikmet Ibrahimli, head of the Agency's Medical Planning Department, Yadigar Mahmudzadeh, head of the Budget Planning and Execution Control Division, Yagut Garayeva, head of the Disease Control and Prevention Department of the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions and Sahar Ismayilova, head of the Blood Center of the Baku Health Center and Chairman of the Science and Education Committee.

The Supervisory Board carries out the general management and control of the Center. The responsibilities of the Board also include hearing the annual report on the activities of the Center, monitoring its annual budget and implementation, establishing an internal audit service, establishing temporary commissions to investigate special cases, deciding on the strengthening and improvement of the supply base of the Center, and other issues.

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