29 December 2019 16:52

A meeting with the management of medical facilities was held at the Agency

On December 29, 2019, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance held a meeting with managers from medical facilities in 23 regions where mandatory health insurance will go into effect in the first quarter of next year. The purpose of the meeting was to inform the management on the implementation of both the mandatory health insurance system and measures to improve the quality of medical services. Opening the meeting, the Agency’s Chairman of the Board, Zaur Aliyev, spoke about the planned step-by-step implementation of compulsory health insurance throughout the country by 2020 and the preparatory work that will entail: 
“Mandatory health insurance will be implemented in four stages. At the initial stage, it will be applied in the medical facilities headed by you. In this regard, you have a great responsibility. For the successful application of mandatory health insurance, it is first and foremost to ensure a proper registration of health services provided by hospitals. Access of citizens to medical services and provision of medical services by professional medical personnel should be ensured.”

Ramin Bayramli, Chairman of the Board of the Medical Districts Management Association (TABIB), spoke about the structure of TABIB, the shortcomings in medical facilities and innovations to be applied in hospital management. He added that the steps taken to increase the potential of the medical staff are aimed at overcoming the problem of medical staff shortage in the country over the last three years.
At the meeting, the questions of managers were answered and the work to be done was discussed.


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