09 September 2022 17:00

A "Memorandum of Cooperation" was signed between the Ministry of Health, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, and the Public Union "Azerbaijan Association of Insurers"

The document was signed by Teymur Musayev (Minister of Health), Zaur Aliyev (Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance), and Azer Aliyev (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Azerbaijan Association of Insurers).

The Memorandum’s main focuses are protecting the health of population, ensuring the effective organization of health services by improving the accessibility of medical insurance, achieving sustainable economic development in this field, and developing cooperation between state and private insurance subjects. The document also outlines the strengthening the cooperation between the Ministry of Health, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, and private insurance companies, as well as the improved organization of information exchange and educational events and the implementation of other necessary measures.

In order to achieve the goals set in the Memorandum, a Working Group consisting of representatives of private insurance companies has been established based on the nomination of the Ministry of Health, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, and the Public Union Azerbaijan Association of Insurers.

The Working Group will ensure the development of proposals on public-private cooperation in the field of medical insurance and the organization of information sessions on medical services covered by mandatory health insurance, as well as taking measures to persuade private insurance companies to provide suggestions for medical services not covered by mandatory health insurance, studying advanced international practices in the field of complementary medical insurance, and conducting the investigation and settlement of problems in administrative processes.

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