29 December 2021 12:16

A new electronic service has been launched on the website of the Agency

An electronic search system for the Service Package has been launched on the official website of the State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency). The new e-service was created to accelerate and simplify the process of searching for medical services in the Services package for mandatory health insurance.   

To check whether the needed medical service is included in the Service Package, one should visit the official website of the Agency (its.gov.az). Then go to the Services Package section of the main page and search for the needed medical services in 8 categories (“Primary health care”, “Emergency and urgent medical care”, “Outpatient medical service”, “Physiotherapy service”, “Laboratory service”, “Invasive radiological services”, “Surgical medical services” and “Inpatient therapeutic medical services”). To do this, select the category of the service and enter the keyword corresponding to the medical service in the search field.

When you enter a word in the search box, a list of all medical services that contain that word will automatically appear below. Along with the name of the medical service, the amount payable by the Agency to the medical facility for the service is also displayed.

If you are not sure of the category of the medical service you are looking for, you should enter a keyword in the general search box. The main condition for the accuracy of the search is to submit the query correctly, not using word combinations, but by using keywords. It should be noted that a search is not possible if the number of letters in the keyword is less than 2. 

It should be noted, that even if the medical services provided are related to the treatment of certain diseases, the search word may not be found in their names. For example, there are many medical services related to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, but they do not have the word "heart" in their names: coronary bypass surgery of the coronary artery (aorta), defects of the interventricular septum, or cyanotic congenital heart disease. Another example is surgery for kidney disease. Medical services called "percutaneous nephrolithotomy", "extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy" in the Service Package include the removal or dissection of kidney stones. For this reason, the search for medical services in the system should be carried out using the words in the name of the disease, diagnosis, examination, etc. If the medical service is not available, citizens can contact their local medical facility or treatment doctors to find out the exact name of the diagnosis.

It should be noted that 2,550 medical services are provided to citizens within the Services Package for mandatory health insurance. Citizens can use these medical services in state health facilities supervised by the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB). If it is not possible to provide the relevant services in the state medical facilities controlled by TABIB, a referral is issued to a contracted medical facility. The list of contracted medical facilities can be found here.

Please note that medical services, for which the treatment and examination is covered under state programs, medical services for cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery, as well as organ transplantation, artificial insemination and dental services are not included in the Mandatory Health Insurance Package.

Detailed information on using the search system is provided in the video guide below.

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