27 August 2020 15:33

Admission of patients to the City Central Hospital and Treatment and Diagnostic Center in Shirvan will be temporarily suspended

It was identified that the reason of the recent increase in the intensity of coronavirus infections in Shirvan is associated with health facilities. For monitoring purposes, a working group of TABIB was sent to the city of Shirvan, and a number of shortcomings were revealed. In order to eliminate these shortcomings, a number of measures have been taken in Shirvan CCH and Shirvan City Treatment and Diagnostic Center.

In order to take more serious preventive measures, taking into account the latest recommendations of the WHO chief epidemiologist and gained experience, it was decided to isolate the source of infection locally, not to apply a quarantine ban to the city as a whole. In order to carry out the necessary isolation and disinfection measures, the admission of patients to the Shirvan City Central Hospital, as well as the Shirvan City Treatment and Diagnostic Center will be suspended. The treatment of existing patients at the hospital will be continued, and outpatient and inpatient services will be provided to new patients in the hospitals of the surrounding areas.

It should be noted that, taking into account the recommendations of the WHO, the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers will prefer the local closure of any source of infection in areas with high intensity of infection.

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