19 September 2018 11:03

Agency announced results of surveys among the nurses of pilot hospitals

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (the Agency) has released reports showing results of surveys which had been conducted among nurses of pilot Mingachevir and Yevlakh Central Hospitals. The surveys aimed to find out whether the nurses were satisfied with their jobs as well as their attitude to mandatory health insurance (MHI). 277 nurses of Mingachevir Central Hospital and 202 nurses of Yevlakh Central Hospital participated in the surveys.

According to the reports, in 2016 percentage of nurses with monthly salaries of 105-250 AZN was 94.6% in Mingachevir and 93.6% in Yevlakh. Starting from 2017 when ITS was introduced, fixed additions were made to salaries of nurses. In specific, 68% of Mingachevir nurses and 30% of Yevlakh nurses receive 251-450 AZN per month. 60% of Mingachevir nurses and 74.2% of Yevlakh doctors are satisfied with their salaries.

Percentage of nurses pleased with the implemented reforms is 78% in Mingachevir and 83.6% in Yevlakh. 83.8% of Mingachevir nurses and 89.1% of Yevlakh nurses are satisfied with application of compulsory health insurance; 66.4% of Mingachevir nurses and 77.3% of Yevlakh nurses are satisfied with supply of technical equipment at work.

Majority of nurses stated that MHI had positively impacted their hospitals. They positively rate supply of necessary medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, improvement of work conditions and discipline as well as quality and accessibility of medical services, and rise in patient satisfaction.

As for suggestions regarding further development of hospitals, majority of nurses noted importance of special courses and trainings for their professional development, changing of the structure of hospitals and strengthening their activities, and expansion of MHI coverage.

The Agency has also released a report showing results of an identical survey conducted among 249 nurses of pilot Agdash Central Hospital. Since the survey took place after (a month later) the President passed a Decree introducing MHI in Agdash, salary analysis was not done. The survey findings relate to nurses’ satisfaction with their jobs, awareness as well as expectations of MHI and need for trainings.

In specific, percentage of nurses pleased with their salaries is only 38.9%. Moreover, 88.8% of nurses are satisfied from work schedule, 82.4% of nurses are satisfied with workload. 48.2% of nurses highly rate their work conditions.

Working with patients is very satisfactory for 83.9% of nurses. Those considering trainings important for increasing efficiency of hospitals and raising quality of medical services constitute 78%. Moreover, 94.7% of nurses believe that MHI will positively impact their hospital. For this purpose, they suggest enhancing work conditions, supply of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, and increasing salaries.

It is worth noting that the surveys were conducted by the Agency in cooperation with competent regional trade unions.

The reports are available on the Agency website.

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