26 November 2019 10:58

Agency hosted information session for NGOs

The information session held for NGOs as part of the grant competition jointly organized by the Council on State Support to NGOs under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Council) and the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency).

The head of the Marketing and Public Relations Department of the Agency Aynura Ahmadova said one of the aims of grant competition jointly organized with the Council on the topic of “Informing population about mandatory health insurance in regions” is to support NGOs to achieve more effective and positive results while implementing the projects.

She emphasized the participation of 12 NGOs in the information session is an example of how NGOs show interest to competition. A. Ahmadova informed participants about current status of nationwide implementation of mandatory health insurance, advantages and public benefit of the system. She noted that Agency will provide NGOs with awareness materials on mandatory health insurance and called them to submit interesting project proposals on said topic.

The head of Public Relations section of the Council Elmaddin Behbud stressed that call for project proposals 2020 on 98 topics organized jointly with 18 state and other institutions is an important novelty.

E. Behbud added that joint competition will further strengthen mutual trust, dialogue and cooperation between NGOs and government, as well as will increase capacities of NGOs and effectiveness of projects.

The representative of the Council said that organization of joint competitions creates favorable conditions for further increasing transparency and strengthening public control. E. Behbud said it would be more useful if specialized NGOs will submit proposals for a grant competition organized jointly with Agency.

The Adviser of e-services and internal control section of the Council Elnur Bagirli presented the video explaining how to use e- services included in the “SƏLİS” – the System for Fast Coordination and Project Management of the Council. During the information session, the NGOs' questions about grant competition were answered.

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