16 March 2021 18:24

An online service has been established for obtaining the results of the COVID-19 PCR analysis for international trips

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) has launched a new online service called “Obtaining the results of the COVID-19 PCR analysis”. The service may be used by persons who underwent COVID-19 PCR tests for international trips. The purpose of this service is to save time and ensure convenience for these persons.

Any person who has undergone a COVID-19 test for an international trip should visit https://travel.its.gov.az/ to use the service. Firstly it is required to  fill in the section “Date of birth”. After filling in this section, the person should select either by FIN code or Protocol from the section “Parameter”. When selecting FİN parameter, the “FİN” section is activated, afterwards FIN code of their ID card must be entered. If the person does not have an ID card (mainly foreigners and children without an identity card) the Protocol parameter should be selected. In this case, “PROTOCOL” section is activated, and the Protocol number should be entered. The protocol number is a code sent to the mobile phone number of the person who has undergone the test after the result is ready.

As a last step, the Search button should be pressed. The result of the test taken for the international trip will be displayed on the screen in PDF format and it will be possible to download the file. It should be noted that the authenticity of the document can be verified by the “QR Code” given in the document. The instruction on obtaining the online results of the COVID-19 PCR tests for international trips can be found here.

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