18 October 2021 10:25

ANAMA conducted training for the staff of the Agency, TABIB and central hospitals within the war-affected regions

The Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) has conducted general awareness training for employees of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency), the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB) and the central hospitals in the Mountainous Karabakh region and nearby regions. The training, held for occupational safety and civil defense officials, covered the topics of mines and explosives.

The training, involving a total of 15 employees from the Agency, TABIB, as well as the central hospitals of Khojaly, Lachin, Kalbajar, Agdam, Fizuli, Barda, Beylagan and Yevlakh regions was organized at ANAMA's Goygol Regional Training Center.

The purpose of the training is to provide persons who would be travelling to the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan with information about the dangers of mines and as well as other areas affected by the war and military operations, in relation to their job duties. It should be noted that one of the purposes of the training was to prepare the participants to be able to provide the same training to the employees of their own organizations who would be travelling to the abovementioned regions in future. 

The ANAMA official provided detailed information to the participants on mines and explosives, unexploded ordnance, mined areas, and safety signs, and made presentations on each topic. The training provided detailed information on the types of anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, their forms, general features of explosives, the meaning and importance of safety signs, the relief of the mined areas.

It was noted that persons travelling to the abovementioned areas should not go beyond the designated places, roads, or paths, touch unknown and suspicious objects, or enter areas where destroyed residential and other buildings are located. It was also noted that approaching areas where ammunition and equipment has been left uncontrolled, as well as destroyed housing and other structures, was life-threatening.

The instructors also showed the participants samples of mines and explosives used by the Azerbaijani and Armenian Armed Forces during the First and Second Karabakh Wars that had been neutralized by ANAMA and explained important points about their interior parts and appearance.

In addition, in the last part of the training, officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan informed the participants about fires caused by mines and ammunition and provided fire safety instructions.

At the end of the event, participants were given an individual instruction manual, developed by ANAMA, on the dangers of mines and explosives in the liberated areas.


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