25 March 2020 17:57

Another social project – providing support to medical facilities 

A new social step has been taken in our country to support the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. The Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Education, as well as the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and Azermash OJSC have launched a joint campaign to support medical facilities in the country.
The social campaign will provide support to the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and the Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB) in taking measures against the coronavirus infection.

Thus, Azermash OJSC has allocated 100 cars and drivers for the timely delivery of medical supplies and materials to health facilities in the country, as well as to support those who are engaged in taking measures against the coronavirus infection.

Volunteers of the "One" Student Volunteer Program of the Ministry of Education will also provide necessary support for the social project. Volunteers will assist in the delivery of medical supplies and materials and will also support key medical personnel.

Drivers and volunteers will be provided with the necessary personal protective equipment.

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