22 December 2023 09:56

Anti-corruption training sessions were held

In December of this year, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) successfully conducted comprehensive anti-corruption trainings for employees of 22 health facilities under the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB).

These training sessions, part of a collaborative effort between the Agency and "Transparency Azerbaijan" Anti-Corruption Public Union, aimed to bolster the fight against corruption within health facilities. The primary objectives were to promote responsible behavior, inform participants about the legal consequences of corruption-related offenses, and address violations of ethical conduct. Leading the training were Alimammad Nuriyev, Executive Director of "Transparency Azerbaijan" Anti-Corruption Public Union, and Zaur Ibrahimli, Chairman of the Public Union "Prioritet" Social Economic Research Center. The sessions, attended by 79 participants, featured a presentation on "Combatting Corruption and Rules of Ethical Conduct."

Additionally, a collaborative effort resulted in the creation of a flyer with the slogan "Let's Protect Our Health Against Corruption Together!" The flyer provides information on reporting violations and negative situations encountered by citizens using mandatory health insurance. A total of 5,000 flyers were presented to key healthcare facilities, including the Republican Clinical Hospital named after Academician M.A. Mirgasimov, the Clinical Medical Center, New Clinic (Yeni Klinika), Baku City General Health Center, and the Central Hospital of Absheron District. These flyers will be distributed among citizens and trainees.

Furthermore, 34 Agency employees participated in a training session focused on the "Formation of an Anti-Corruption Behavior Model," led by a representative of the Legal Department of the Agency. The session covered topics such as the rules of ethical conduct and the handling of appeals related to corruption-related offenses.

It should be noted that these trainings align with the objectives outlined in the "2022─2026 National Action Plan on Strengthening the Fight Against Corruption," as approved by Decree No. 3199 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 4, 2022.

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