14 November 2019 12:02

As part of mandatory health insurance international standards to be applied in clinical diagnostics laboratories

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) implements the project on standardization of laboratories that will be functioned as part of mandatory health insurance.
The working group of the project developed with recommendations of World Health Organization, is composed of representatives of Agency and Public Association “Specialists of clinical laboratories of Azerbaijan” (Public Association). 

The purpose of working group on laboratory standardization at healthcare facilities is to ensure functioning of clinical diagnostics laboratories in the country in accordance with modern standards and strengthen the quality control mechanism. 

The project includes the classification of laboratories at healthcare facilities, preparation lists and codes for laboratory services, as well as evaluation of human resources.
As part of the project the working group trains the doctors and nurses of laboratories of healthcare facilities. 
One-month training course will be attended by medical staff of laboratories located in the cities of Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Mingachevir, Shirvan, Sheki and Lankaran as well as  Shamakhi, Goychay, Guba, Jalilabad and Aghjabadi districts. 

The training is composed of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part is being held at Thalassemia Center while practical part is conducted at Thalassemia Center, Training and Surgical Clinic of Azerbaijan Medical University as well as Oncological Clinic of the same university. 

In her opening remarks the head of Strategic Purchasing Division  of Agency, head of working group Firangiz Aliyeva said that for establishing laboratories in our country that comply with international standards it is necessary to create a single database and consequently compile statistics about laboratory services and choose the right treatment method. 
The deputy chairman of Executive Board of Public Association, member of working group Ramin Bayramli informed the medical workers about arrangements for the use of equipment and regulations for the process control to get trustworthy laboratory test results.

During the course period the participants are trained to use information technologies in laboratory diagnostics.

On the first day of the training the participants were provided with modern scientific books and training materials. Medical staff working in laboratories of healthcare facilities in other regions of the country will also be invited to the trainings as part of the next phases of the project.
At the end of the training, participants will be awarded with certificates.

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