06 August 2019 15:10

Awareness-raising event on mandatory health insurance held in Gakh and Zagatala districts

The informative event as part of series of awareness-raising activities on the topic of “Implementation of the mandatory health insurance system in the country" was held in Gakh and Zagatala districts on August 6, 2019.

The purpose of the event, organized by Executive Powers of Gakh and Zagatala districts and State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) was to inform the public about mandatory health insurance, the benefits of the system, the preparation works carried out to apply mandatory health insurance throughout the country.

The participants of events held in Gakh and Zagatala districts were addressed by Nazir Nasirov, the deputy director of the politico-social and humanitarian section of Executive Power of Gakh District, Tarlan Ahmadzade, the chief doctor of Gakh Central District Hospital, Vafa Suleymanova, deputy head of the Executive Power of Zagatala District, Majid Aliyev , the Chief Medical Officer (Hospital Manager/Director) of the Zagatala Central District Hospital, Parvin Bakhshaliyeva, Elvin Abbasov and Vusal Azizov – the Agency’s employees. The representatives of the Executive Power of Gakh and Zagatala districts said that , the awareness-raising event is held in accordance with the decree signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On a number of measures to ensure the introduction of mandatory health insurance in Azerbaijan". It was noted that the mandatory health insurance system is planned to be introduced in Azerbaijan from 2020 to protect public health care and improve the quality of medical services. Chief Medical Officers (Hospital Manager/Directors) of the central hospitals of those districts made speeches about the health care reforms carried out by the government, strengthening the material and technical base of healthcare facilities, the successful implementation of mandatory health insurance in three pilot regions, the benefits of the system etc. Representatives of the Agency informed the participants about the service packages of mandatory health insurance, insurance premiums, amount of deductible etc. It was stressed that the basic part of service package, which consists of primary health care and emergency medical care is free of charge for all citizens, foreigners with temporary and permanent residence in Azerbaijan and stateless persons. It was noted, that it is necessary to pay insurance premiums to use specialized medical care, which is an additional part of the service package. However, the groups entitled to benefits are exempt from insurance premiums.

In the end, the Agency’s representatives answered the questions of citizens and pamphlets about mandatory health insurance were distributed to participants.

The next enlightening events are planned to be held in Sheki and Oğuz districts on August 7, 2019.

The previous similar awareness-raising events were held in Guba, Gusar and Balakan districts.

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