08 August 2019 15:32

Awareness-raising event on mandatory health insurance held in Oghuz and Gabala districts

The informative event as part of series of awareness-raising activities on the topic of “Implementation of the mandatory health insurance system in the country" was held in Oghuz district on August 7, 2019 and in Gabala district on August 8, 2019.

The purpose of the events, organized by Executive Powers of those districts and State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) was to inform the public about mandatory health insurance, the benefits of the system, the preparation works carried out to apply mandatory health insurance throughout the country.

The participants of events were addressed by Yusif Nakhchivanski, the deputy head of Executive Power of Oghuz District, Anar Azizov, the chief medical officer (hospital manager/director) of Central Hospital of Oghuz District, Ataya Osmanova, deputy head of the Executive Power of Gabala District, Sabir Bayramov, the chief medical officer (hospital manager/director) of the Central Hospital of Gabala District, Parvin Bakhshaliyeva, Elvin Abbasov and Vusal Azizov – the Agency’s employees.

Y.Nakhchivanski said that the government carries out a number of reforms to improve the social welfare of the population. One of them is the decision to apply mandatory health insurance throughout the country.

A. Azizov added that to apply mandatory health insurance throughout the country, the material and technical base of healthcare facilities will be improved, and information technology infrastructure will be established in hospitals.

A.Osmanova said that under the leadership of the head of the state successful health care reforms have been carried out, important steps have been taken on implementation of mandatory health insurance system and by January 1, 2020 the system will cover the entire country.

S.Bayramov said that hospitals are equipped with modern medical equipment based on the latest achievement of technology and implementation of mandatory health insurance will improve the social welfare of the population.

Representatives of the Agency informed the participants about the purpose of the mandatory health insurance system, the international experience on the use of the system and delivered speeches about outpatient and inpatient examination and treatment that will be provided within package of services. It was informed, that the additional part of the service package would include a doctor’s examination, laboratory diagnostics, surgeries, care relevant to the needs of patient and other medical services.

In the end, the Agency’s representatives answered the questions of citizens and pamphlets about mandatory health insurance were distributed to participants.

The previous similar awareness-raising events were held in Guba, Gusar, Balaken, Gakh, Zagatala districts and Sheki city.

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