07 August 2019 16:55

Awareness-raising event on mandatory health insurance held in Sheki

The informative event as part of series of awareness-raising activities on the topic of “Implementation of the mandatory health insurance system in the country" held in Sheki city on August 7, 2019. The event was organized by Sheki City Executive Power, State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) and Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation. The purpose of the event was to inform the public about mandatory health insurance, the benefits of the system and the preparation works carried out to apply mandatory health insurance throughout the country.

The event was attended by Zarina Javadova - deputy head of the Sheki City Executive Power, Elchin Amirov - Chief Medical Officer (Hospital Manager/Director) of the Central Hospital of Sheki city, Javanshir Alkhasov – deputy chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, Hasan Jafarov - Chief of Staff of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, Javid Mammadov - deputy chairman of the Trade Union Republican Committee of Health Workers, Allahverdi Aliyev - chairman of the Health Workers Trade Union Committee of Mingachevir city, Elvin Abbasov and Parvin Bakhshaliyeva– representatives of the Agency.

In his opening speech Javanshir Alkhasov said that implementation of mandatory health insurance in the country will contribute to the development of health care sustem which is a continuation of successful health reforms carried out by the head of state in recent years. He added that the purpose of mandatory health insurance is to reduce the financial burden of population on health care costs and to introduce a new health care financing mechanism.

Z.Javadova said that the country's leadership is taking a number of measures for improvement the social welfare of the population. One of them is the decision to implement mandatory health insurance throughout the country.

E. Amirov informed the participants about the construction and major renovation of a number of healthcare facilities in the country, the improvement of the material and technical base, the restoration of existing equipment and purchase of new ones etc. He noted that the implementation of mandatory health insurance will improve the quality of primary health care and emergency first aid care.

Mammadov noted in his speech, that salaries of medical staff were raised where mandatory health insurance has been implementing as a pilot project. He said that salaries of health workers will increase after the implementation of mandatory health insurance in the country.

A. Aliyev spoke about the positive results of the mandatory health insurance system and its importance in three pilot regions.

The employees of the Agency informed participants about the essence of mandatory health insurance system, health services included in the package of services, insurance premiums, rights and obligations of insured persons and insurers.

It was noted that when insurance event occurs insured persons have the right to use health services included in the basic and additional parts of service package.

In the end, the Agency’s representatives answered the questions of citizens and pamphlets about mandatory health insurance were distributed to participants.

Today the next enlightening events are scheduled to take place in Oghuz district, and in Gabala district on August 8, 2019.

Earlier, similar awareness-raising events were held in Guba, Gusar, Balaken, Gakh, and Zagatala districts.

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