29 August 2018 15:50

Caspian European Club holds business forum with State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance

Issues concerning introduction of mandatory medical insurance in Azerbaijan were discussed today (August 29) during the business forum arranged by the Caspian European Club and attended by Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance.

Addressing the business forum, Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance Zaur Aliyev provided information about the activity and further plans of the Agency.

Zaur Aliyev noted about successful completion of the pilot project on introduction of the mandatory medical insurance in Mingachevir, Yevlah and Aghdash districts. Speaking about measures taken in the pilot region within the framework of this project, and following the order of President Ilham Aliyev, Zaur Aliyev stressed the importance of upgrading the structure of health facilities operating within the state system of healthcare, as well as reconstructing diagnostic labs, primary health care facilities, and creating family health centers in these regions. Noting about the start-up of broad introduction of electronic systems in hospitals, meant for management over pilot health facilities, Z.Aliyev informed also about launch of a new electronic service by the Agency.

Noting about population satisfaction surveys which were held in several pilot regions on basis of undertaken measures, the Chairman told the event participants that the population, as the primary results say, had expressed satisfaction with the implementation of the Mandatory Medical Insurance.

During the Business Forum the member companies of the Caspian European Club asked questions about introduction of mandatory insurance in Azerbaijan, and also made suggestions regarding the continuation of an active dialogue between business and the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance. Telman Aliyev noted that prior to the appointment to the position of the Director of the State Agency for Mandatory Medical Insurance, Zaur Aliyev had been a member of the Board of the Caspian European Club and had been actively engaged in discussions and implementation of different projects. Addressing the business forum, the First Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Caspian European Club Telman Aliyev thanked Zaur Aliyev for a constructive dialogue, as well as for an attention to suggestions and requests expressed by the Club members in the course of the event.

Telman Aliyev invited all participants to attend the forth coming 7th International Caspian Energy Forum Baku-2018, which will take place on September 20 with the support of the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic and Caspian European Club. He noted that the Contract of the Century was signed on September 20, 1994 under the leadership of All-National Leader Heydar Aliyev, which gave main impetus to the development of the oil-gas and non-oil sector of the Caspian-Black Sea region countries. “That was when the basis of the energy security of Europe owing to the Caspian energy resources was laid. Due to this, we will hold Caspian Energy Forum in Baku every year. This was made possible owing to new conditions created by the top management of the Caspian European Club in order to arrange Caspian Energy Forum Baku– 2018”, Telman Aliyev emphasized.

In the course of the business forum Zaur Aliyev was presented an honorary membership certificate of the Caspian European Club. Heads of companies, Ambassadors, representatives of a number of diplomatic missions and international organizations attended the business forum

The Caspian European Club, which brings together more than 5,000 member companies and organizations from 70 countries around the world, was established in June 2002 with the support of the largest oil and gas companies working in the Caspian-Black Sea region and with the active involvement of the Caspian Energy International Media Group.

The Caspian American Club (established on 24 December 2016) and Caspian Asian Club (26 January 2018) will be managed by the Members of the Board of the Caspian European Club for 2 years. All companies that join the Caspian European Club as members get an automatic membership within the Caspian American Club, Caspian Asian Club and vice-versa.

His Excellency President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has been the Chairman of the Caspian European Club since its establishment.

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