11 February 2021 14:21

Chairman of the Board of the Agency Zaur Aliyev got acquainted with the work done for the implementation of mandatory health insurance in Ganja

Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance visited Ganja on February 11, 2021 to get acquainted with the work done to introduce mandatory health insurance at the Ganja United City Hospital.

Z.Aliyev attended the opening ceremony of the Family Health Center and Emergency Department established in the hospital to strengthen primary health care and improve the quality of emergency and urgent medical care. The opening ceremony was attended by Niyazi Bayramov, head of Ganja City Executive Authority, Ramin Bayramli, Chairman of the Board of the Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB) and representatives of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency).

Konul Alakbarov, head of the Agency's working group which was established for carrying out preparatory works for mandatory health insurance, informed the chairman of the board about the measures taken in the hospital to introduce the system and improve the quality of medical services. He said that about 2,500-2,700 people visit the hospital every day. All people are provided with the necessary medical services within mandatory health insurance in a timely manner. He added that, Kapaz Family Health Center has been established in the hospital with the support of the Working Group: “The Family Health Center serves 54,275 people for the organization of primary health care. 11,880 of them are children. An ambulance department has also been established under the control of the hospital admission department. A "triage" system has been established to group patients according to the severity of their condition”.

Z.Aliyev noted the importance of the measures taken and planned to be implemented in the health facility for the introduction of mandatory health insurance, also stressed the importance of timely and quality completion of work: “Citizens' access to medical services should be ensured and medical services should be provided by professional medical personnel. I wish the medical staff success in this responsible work and express my special gratitude."

The Chairman of the Board of the Agency visited the United Children's Hospital No. 2, Emergency Medical Hospital named after Academician Z.Mammadov, Cardiology Hospital, Children's Polyclinic No. 1, Children's Polyclinic No. 4 and Goygol Regional Central Hospital.

K.Alakbarov informed the chairman about the work done in the Goygol Regional Central Hospital for the introduction of mandatory health insurance: “Emergency department, Family Health Center, Therapy Department, Surgery Department, Hemodialysis Department, etc. operate in the hospital. We have also taken measures to build information and communication technologies infrastructure at the hospital. Software and a new registration system have been installed, and the hospital is equipped with Internet access and computer hardware. As a result, the medical services provided at the hospital are properly registered”.

Afterwards, Z.Aliyev visited the Ganja branch of the Agency established to ensure effective coordination between medical facilities in the region. The head of the branch Azer Damirov said that the branch takes measures to promote mandatory health insurance, to receive citizens and to protect the rights of the insured in the mandatory health insurance system.
At the end, a meeting was held with the management of the central hospitals of Ganja and Naftalan cities, Dashkasan, Samukh, Goygol and Goranboy regions which are included in the Regional Medical Division of Ganja city.

It should be noted that on February 12, the Chairman of the Board of the Agency will also visit the Regional Central Hospitals of Tovuz, Aghstafa and Gazakh districts.

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