11 July 2019 15:39

Closing ceremony was held for the twinning project “Support to implementation of the mandatory health insurance system in Azerbaijan”

On 11 July 2019, a closing event was held for the twinning project on ‘Support to the implementation of mandatory health insurance system in Azerbaijan’ funded by the European Union and implemented by State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (SAMHI) together with the Delegation for European and International Affairs of the French ministries responsible for social affairs and social protection bodies of Lithuania.

Representatives of the Government, members of the Milli Majlis, representatives of State bodies and international organisations, representatives of French and Lithuanian embassies in Azerbaijan, EU officials, NGOs and mass media attended the event.

In his opening speech, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Agency Zaur Aliyev spoke about preparation for the introduction of mandatory health insurance, pilot project and cooperation with several international organisations. Z.Aliyev expressed gratitude to the leadership of the EU Delegation, as well as to all international experts who cooperate closely with the Agency's experts throughout the project.

Head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan, Mr. Kestutis Yankuskas said that in the framework of twinning project experts from the EU countries supported the introduction of mandatory health insurance. According to him, the indicators of the pilot project on mandatory health insurance are positive and, as a result, the government has decided to apply mandatory health insurance throughout the country.

Expressing his gratitude for the invitation to the ceremony, UNICEF Representative in Azerbaijan, Edward Carvardine expressed his confidence that the nationwide implementation of mandatory health insurance would be very successful.

Chairman of the Health Committee of the Milli Majlis, Ahliman Amiraslanov praised the successful implementation of the twinning project for the introduction of mandatory health insurance: ‘Studying the experience of other countries is crucial to eliminating shortcomings’. According to him, a number of changes were made to the legislation at the end of last year for the successful application of mandatory health insurance in the country. Next year, as a result of the introduction of mandatory health insurance, there may also be a need for additional amendments to the legislation. For this purpose, a working group consisting of employees of relevant bodies has been established in the Milli Majlis.

Representative of the French Embassy in Azerbaijan, Johan Schitterer, said the twinning project provided significant support for the successful introduction of mandatory health insurance and improving the quality of health services in Azerbaijan.

Musa Alakbarov, head of the Humanitarian and Social Affairs Department of the Cabinet of Ministers, wished success to the countrywide application of mandatory health insurance and said that new healthcare facilities were built or renovated in our country in recent years. Speaking of the pilot project, M. Alakbarov said that as a result of the project implementation the quality of medical services in 3 pilot areas raised and population's access to services increased.

Department heads Aysel Ibayeva, Sharafat Ismayilova said that throughout the project, financial resources for mandatory health insurance, strengthening institutional capacities of the Agency and other relevant issues were discussed with international experts, and experience of France, Belgium and Lithuania have been studied during study visits.

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