27 December 2022 11:35

Communication training was held for the public relations specialists of health facilities operating under the authority of TABIB

The Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABİB) and the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) held a training known as "Communication for public relations specialists of medical facilities operating under  the authority of TABIB."

Participants of the training included Zamira Adilova, head of the Public Relations and Marketing Department of TABIB, Aynura Ahmadova, head of the Marketing and Public Relations Department of the Agency, Aysel Jabrayilova, digital marketing and communication expert, and public relations specialists of health facilities operating under the  authority of the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions of Baku. 

Digital marketing and communication expert Aysel Jabrayilova gave a presentation on new generation marketing, digital marketing strategy, advertising campaign planning, marketing campaign measurement, and crisis management on digital platforms.

Aynura Ahmadova, head of the Marketing and Public Relations Department of the Agency, delivered a presentation informing the participants of the training about the importance of promoting mandatory health insurance in medical facilities, the purpose of mandatory health insurance, and the medical services included in the Benefit Package.

Zamira Adilova, head of the Public Relations and Marketing Department of TABIB, gave a presentation called "Crisis management in medical facilities." Z. Adilova shared her views on the importance of coordinated activities of public relations specialists in health facilities operating under TABIB, supporting the work through mass media in a proper way, and the social media activities of health facilities. She pointed out that, in accordance with the Communication Strategy of TABIB, efforts will be intensified to achieve the established goals from the next year to eliminate the noted shortcomings.

At the end of the training, a discussion session was held and questions were asked.

Finally, the participants were awarded certificates.

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