10 August 2022 15:35

Continuous measures are taken for the recovery of the participants of the Patriotic War and the families of the martyrs

According to the inquiries received by the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) and the state health facilities supervised by the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB), as well as the inquiries sent to the Agency by the YAŞAT Foundation, 73647 medical services were provided to the participants of the Patriotic War and family members of the martyrs during the first 6 months of 2022 year.

Outpatient settings accounted for 64,924 of the medical services provided under the Benefit Package of the mandatory health insurance, and 8,723 services were provided in inpatient settings. Of the 7,362 people who received medical services, 6,572 were participants of the war and 790 were family members of the martyrs.

The inquiries received from participants of the Patriotic War were mainly related to head injuries and their complications, general medical examination, essential (primary) hypertension, and injuries caused by shrapnel during explosions.

The complaints from family members of the martyrs were related to cardiac angina, diabetes, essential (primary) hypertension, osteochondrosis, gall bladder diseases, and general medical examinations.

Based on the inquiries of 297 war participants and 52 family members of the martyrs, 451 surgical operations were performed. The majority of the operations included wound suturing, removal of foreign bodies from organs, drainage of abscesses and hematomas, curvature of the nasal septum, and appendectomies – the incision and removal of appendicitis.

The Agency is sensitive to issues such as providing access to medical services for participants of the Patriotic War and family members of the martyrs, promptly responding to their inquiries, and investigating their complaints. The Agency takes all necessary steps to provide a qualified doctor's examination, re-examination, clinical laboratories, and instrumental diagnostic examinations for the abovementioned persons, as well as the provision of health services in contracted medical facilities that cannot be provided in state health facilities.

The Agency will continue taking important measures in accordance with the policy of increasing the state care for the recovery and treatment of those who were wounded in the battles for the protection of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the family members of the martyrs.

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