19 June 2019 15:46

Deputy chairman of Executive Board made a speech at the event entitled “Sustainable Development Goals for Youth”

“In the pilot regions where mandatory health insurance has been implementing for the last two years 21 young health workers were provided with job. Currently young health workers represent 14.4% of general medical staff employed in healthcare facilities of pilot regions. Moreover, it is noteworthy, that youth make up 35% of Agency staff,”- said Nigar Bayramova, deputy chairman of Executive Board of State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance in her speech at the event dedicated to the next stage of the project entitled “Sustainable Development Goals for Youth”. The event jointly organized by New Azerbaijan Party and National Coordination Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Sustainable Development was held on June 19, 2019.

N.Bayramova added that according to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On health Insurance” youth not working on the basis of employment contract or civil law contract and not involved in entrepreneurial activity - citizens under the age of 18, citizens under the age of 23 receiving full-time vocational, secondary specialized or higher education are exempt from mandatory health insurance premiums. The insurance premiums for aforementioned category of people will be paid at the expense of state budget.

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