24 January 2022 12:57

During December of 2021 more than 1 million medical services were provided to the population of Baku and Sumgayit regional medical divisions

According to the preliminary reports submitted to the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) by health facilities where mandatory health insurance has been introduced, 11 071 682 medical services were provided to 223 041 people in Baku and 46 181 people in Sumgayit regional medical divisions (for more information about regional medical divisions click here) in December of last year.

During this period 458,151 inquiries were received by the medical facilities, their structural divisions and treatment and diagnostic centers. Based on the inquiries 778 117 medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 293 565 on an inpatient basis.

We hereby present the following statistics on the medical services provided to the population of those regions during December of 2021:

The top ten districts in Baku RMD according to the number of visits made to medical facilities per 1000 persons: Yasamal (287), Sabail (266), Narimanov (254), Nasimi (233), Sabunchu (226), Khazar (213), Pirallahı (203), Surakhanı (133), Garadagh (96) and Khatai (78).

Number of visits made to healthcare facilities per 1000 persons in Sumgayit RMD was 117.

The top ten health facilities providing the most services: Sumgayit Medical Center (151 884), Clinical Medical Center (124 957), Republican Clinical Hospital named after Academician M.A. Mirgasimov (90 804), City Clinical Hospital № 5 (80 683), Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K.Y.Farajova (69 100), City Clinical Hospitals № 3 (67 723), United City Hospital № 26 (38 509), United City Hospital No. 6 named after A.D.Malikov (25 319), City Polyclinic № 39  (23 592) and Scientific-Research Institute of Cardiology named after Academician J.M.Abdullayev (19 916).

The top ten healthcare facilities providing the most outpatient services: Sumgayit Medical Center, City Clinical Hospital No. 5, Republican Clinical Hospital named after Academician M.A.Mirgasimov, Clinical Medical Center, City Clinical Hospital No. 3, United City Hospital No 26 , Scientific-Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K.Farajova, City Polyclinic № 39,  Children's Polyclinic No. 15 and United City Hospital No. 6 named after A.D.Malikov.

The top ten health facilities providing the most inpatient services: Clinical Medical Center, Sumgayit Medical Center, Scientific-Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K.Y.Farajova, Republican Clinical Hospital named after Academician M.A.Mirgasimov, City Clinical Hospital No. 3, City Clinical Hospital No. 5, United City Hospital No 26, United City Hospital No. 6 named after A.D.Malikov, City Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after M.A.Efendiyev and Republican Perinatal Center.

Most visits made to healthcare facilities in RMDs of Baku and Sumgayit cities last month were related to medical examinations (including examinations of conscripts), respiratory system diseases, circulatory system diseases, digestive problems, musculoskeletal disorders, connective tissues diseases, urogenital disorders, diseases of endocrine system, metabolic and nutritional disorders, disorders of the nervous system, injuries and poisonings, problems of obstetrics and gynecology.

According to preliminary estimates, during January-November of 2021 year, 19156 people were sent to medical facilities operating on a contractual basis for operations that cannot be carried out in state health facilities, as well as operations requiring special medical equipment and supplies. 541 of those persons were children. Invasive radiology (angiography) services were provided to 7153 persons over 18 years of age.

Most operations consist in cardiovascular surgery (5 700), ophthalmology (3277), urology (1356), neurosurgery (726), traumatology (425), otolaryngology (228) and other surgical operations (175), general surgery (81), gynecology and childbirth (35).

249 of the patients who underwent cardiovascular surgery were under 18 years of age. It should be noted that medical facilities continue with the registration and processing of information in the electronic register regarding surgical operations.

During December of 2021, 908611 medical services were provided in Baku RMD and 163 071 medical services were provided in Sumgayit RMD.

It should be noted that a total 2465 564 medical services were provided to 640 105 people on 1 082 236 inquiries across the country in December of the current year. Based on inquiries 1 979 532 medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 486 032 on an inpatient. 

Moreover, 6 002 552 medical services were provided to 1 258 328 citizens according to 2 778 901 requests in Baku RMD, and 1 024 728 medical services were provided to 236 460 citizens according to 576 940 requests in Sumgayit RMD by the end of 2021 with mandatory health insurance which has been introduced since April 2021.

In January-December 2021, 4053636 people applied to healthcare facilities across the country and received 22954649 medical services according to 10348289 requests. 17675080 (77%) of these services were provided to persons over 18 years of age, and 5279569 (23%) to persons under 18 years of age.

According to the official information as of 01.01.2020, the total population registered in Baku and Sumgayit RMDs was 3047000. 


[1] . As a result of structural reforms carried out since May, 11 medical centers were established in Baku and 1 in Sumgayit based on healthcare facilities delivering multidisciplinary inpatient and specialized polyclinic services (except for Zangilan and Gubadli District Central Hospitals). Statistical indicators include generalized information on medical centers, as well as indicators on healthcare facilities of the republican importance.

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