24 January 2022 12:53

During December of 2021 more than one million medical services were provided to the populations of 58 cities and regions

According to preliminary reports, submitted to the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) by health facilities where mandatory health insurance has been introduced, in December of the last year, 1 393 882 medical services were provided to 383 847 people in 58 cities and regions.

624 085 inquiries were received by the medical facilities, their structural units and treatment and diagnostic centers during this period. 1 201 415 medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 192 467 on an inpatient basis.

We hereby present the following statistics on the medical services provided to the population of those regions during December of 2021:

The top ten cities and regions according to the number of inquiries received by medical facilities per 1000 (thousand) people: Mingachevir city (446), Ganja city (244), Beylagan (202), Yevlakh (193), Shirvan (171), Goychay (161), Gabala (161), Khojavand (157), Balakan (157) and Qakh (155).

The top ten health facilities providing the most services: Ganja United City Hospital (150 677), Mingachevir City Central Hospital (134 606), Central Hospitals of Yevlakh (61 830), Khachmaz (61 010), Guba (56 325), Goychay (44 894), Barda (44 021), Sheki (41 418), Zagatala (40 255), Agdash (37 941) districts.

The top ten health facilities providing the most outpatient services: Ganja United City Hospital, Mingachevir City Central Hospital, Central Hospitals of Yevlakh, Khachmaz, Guba, Goychay, Barda, Zagatala, Beylagan and Sheki districts.

The top ten health facilities providing the most inpatient services: Ganja United City Hospital, Mingachevir City Central Hospital, Central Hospitals of Guba, Khachmaz, Agdash, Sheki and Barda, Shirvan City Central Hospital, and the Central Hospitals of Lankaran and Gusar districts.


The majority of inquiries received by the medical facilities of the 58 cities and regions during the last month were related to medical examinations (including examinations of conscripts), respiratory system diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, endocrine system issues, metabolic and nutritional disorders, urogenital problems, digestive problems, musculoskeletal system diseases, diseases of the connective tissues, problems relating to obstetrics and gynecology, diseases of the eye and the additional apparatus of the eye and certain symptoms.

Based on the number of medical services provided by 11 regional medical divisions (RMDs) during December of 2021 year, the list is as follows (detailed information on RMDs is provided in the following link):

Barda-Yevlakh RMD (294 608), Ganja RMD (199 725), Sheki-Zagatala RMD (177 681), Guba-Khachmaz RMD (173 076), Agdam-Agjabadi RMD (105 820), Shamkir-Tovuz RMD (101 008), Goychay-Kurdamir RMD (98 671), Mountainous Shirvan RMD (88 008), Imishli-Sabirabad RMD (67 070), Lankaran RMD (49 893) and Jalilabad-Salyan RMD (38 322).

According to the preliminary reports, during January-November of 2021, 19156 people were provided with referrals to medical facilities operating on a contractual basis for surgeries and medical services that could not be provided in state healthcare facilities of the country and required special medical equipment and supplies. 541 of these people were children.

7153 people over the age of 18 were referred to invasive radiology (angiography), 5700 to cardiovascular surgery/cardiology, 3277 to ophthalmology, 1356 to urology, 726 to neurology/neurosurgery, 425 to traumatology, 228 to otolaryngology, 175 to other areas, 81 to general surgery, 35 to gynecology and childbirth.249 of the patients who underwent cardiovascular surgeries were under the age 18. It should be noted that the provision of medical services by contracted health facilities on the basis of referrals, and the registration of such services in the electronic register, continues.

In December, 2 465 564 medical services were provided to 640 105 people based on 1 082 236 inquiries. 1 979 532 medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 486 032 on an inpatient basis.

During January-December of 2021, 15 927 369 medical services were provided to 2 702 149 people based on 6 992 448 inquiries. During this period, 4 053 636 people made visits to healthcare facilities across the country and received 22 954 649 medical services based on 10 348 289 inquiries. Of these services, 17 675 080 (77%), were provided to persons over 18 years of age, and 5 279 569 (23%), to persons under 18 years of age.

According to the official information as of 01.01.2020, the population registered in the 58 administrative territorial units where mandatory health insurance has been applied was 6,560,500.

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