23 February 2022 15:57

During January of 2022 more than 1 million medical services were provided to the population of Baku and Sumgayit cities

According to the preliminary reports submitted to the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) by health facilities where mandatory health insurance has been introduced, in January of the current year, 904,420 medical services were provided to 217,267 people in Baku and 192 011 medical services were provided to 59,449 people in Sumgayit regional medical divisions (for more information about regional medical divisions click here). 408,324 requests for medical services were received in Baku, 102,709 requests were received in Sumgait regional medical divisions. In total, 1,096,431 medical services were provided to citizens based on 511,033 requests made to healthcare facilities in both regional medical divisions. 805,932 medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 290,499 on an inpatient basis.

Here are some statistics on the medical services provided to the population of the abovementioned regional divisions in January of 2022:

The top ten regions according to the number of requests made to medical facilities per 1,000 people in Baku RMD: Yasamal (271), Sabunchi (268), Sabail (261), Narimanov (251), Pirallahi (245), Nasimi (232), Khazar (217), Surakhani (145), Khatai (109) and Garadag (102). The number of requests made to medical facilities per 1000 residents of the Sumgayit regional medical division was 154.

Most requests made to the health facilities across RMDs of Baku and Sumgayit cities in the last month were related to medical examinations (including examinations of conscripts), respiratory system diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, endocrine system, metabolic and nutritional disorders, digestive problems, musculoskeletal system diseases, urogenital problems and problems of obstetrics and gynecology.

The top ten health facilities providing the most services include: Sumgayit Medical Center (169,580), Clinical Medical Center (110,697), Republican Clinical Center named after academician M.A. Mirgasimov (89,835), City Clinical Hospital No. 5 (81 246), City Clinical Hospital No. 3 (74,009), Scientific and Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K.Y. Farajova (69,616), United City Hospital No. 26 (31,308), United City Hospital No. 6 named after A.D. Malikov (27,941), Scientific Center of Surgery named after academician M.A.Topchubashov (20 630), Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology named after academician J.M.Abdullayev (19 334).

The top ten health facilities providing the most outpatient services include: Sumgayit Medical Center, City Clinical Hospital No. 5, Republican Clinical Hospital named after Academician M.A Mirgasimov, City Clinical Hospital No. 3, Clinical Medical Center, Scientific and Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K.Y. Farajova, United City Hospital No. 26, United City Hospital No. 6 named after A.D. Malikov, Absheron District Central Hospital and United City Hospital No. 29.

The top ten health facilities providing the most inpatient services include: Clinical Medical Center, Sumgayit Medical Center, Scientific and Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K.Y. Farajova, Republican Clinical Center named after academician M.A. Mirgasimov, City Clinical Hospital No. 3, City Clinical Hospital No. 5, Scientific Center of Surgery named after academican M.A.Topchubashov, United City Hospital No. 6 named after A.D. Malikov, United City Hospital No. 26, City Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after M.A Afandiyev.

It should be noted that a total 2 584 895 medical services were provided to 681 604 people on 1 166 659 requests in January of the current year. 2 101 326 medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 483 569 on an inpatient basis upon requests. Out of these medical services 1,861,124 (72%) were received by adults and 723,771 (28%) by children.

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