18 August 2021 11:16

During July of 2021 year more than 1 000 000 medical services were provided to the population of 58 cities and regions

According to the preliminary reports submitted to the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) by health facilities where mandatory health insurance is in effect, in July of current year, 1 184 204 medical services were provided to 329 754 people in 58 cities and regions. 537 001 inquiries were received by the medical facilities, their structural units and treatment and diagnostic centers during this period. 1 018 178 medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 166 026 on an inpatient basis.

We hereby present the following statistics on the medical services provided to the population of those regions during July of current year:

The top ten cities and regions according to the number of inquiries received by medical facilities per 1000 (thousand) people: Mingachevir city (386), Shirvan city (177), Agdash (171), Yevlakh (160), Gabala (155), Beylagan (155), Gakh (153), Goygol (148), Ganja city (146), Agstafa (144).

The top ten health facilities providing the most services: Mingachevir City Central Hospital (124 853), Ganja United City Hospital (98 656), regional central hospitals of Khachmaz (60 213), Yevlakh (55 651), Agdash (36 401), Sheki (36 386), Guba (35 306), Barda (32 474), Goychay (32 355) and Zagatala (30 674).

The top ten health facilities providing the most outpatient services: Mingachevir City Central Hospital, Ganja United City Hospital, Regional Central Hospitals of Khachmaz, Yevlakh, Agdash, Sheki, Guba, Barda, Goychay and Zagatala.

The top ten health facilities providing the most inpatient services: Ganja United City Hospital, Mingachevir City Central Hospital, Regional Central Hospitals of Khachmaz, Gusar, Yevlakh, Agdash, Sheki, Guba,  Shirvan city Central Hospital, Regional Central Hospital of Goychay.

The majority of inquiries received by medical facilities of 58 cities and regions are related to the factors affecting the health of the population, circulatory system, endocrine system diseases, metabolic and nutritional disorders, urogenital, digestive, respiratory system diseases, musculoskeletal system diseases, diseases of connective tissue, obstetrics and gynecology, traumas, poisoning, also diseases of the eye and the additional apparatus of the eye.

According to the number of medical services provided by 11 regional medical divisions (RMDs) during July of 2021 year, the sequence is as follows (detailed information on RMDs is provided in the following link):

Barda-Yevlakh RMD (264 266), Sheki-Zagatala RMD (164 698),  Guba-Khachmaz RMD (164 083), Ganja RMD (152 570), Shamkir-Tovuz RMD (88 034), Goychay-Kurdamir RMD (76 820), Mountainous Shirvan RMD (73 871), Agdam-Agjabadi RMD (68 962), Imishli-Sabirabad RMD (54 678), Lankaran RMD (42 322) and Jalilabad-Salyan RMD (33 900). 

According to the official information as of 01.01.2020, the number of the population registered in 58 administrative territorial divisions where mandatory health insurance is in effect, is 6 560 500.

It should be noted, that a total 1 807 764 medical services were provided to 522 605 people on 849 104 inquiries in July of the current year. 1 478 769 medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 328 995 on an inpatient basis upon inquiries. 

According to preliminary estimates, during January-July of 2021 year, 7 680 people were referred to medical facilities operating on a contractual basis for surgeries that cannot be carried out in state health facilities, as well as surgeries requiring special medical equipment and supplies. 262 of those persons were children. The majority of operations accounted for cardiovascular surgery (2367), ophthalmology (1141), urology (471), neurosurgery (332), traumatology (279), otolaryngology (123), general surgery (37), other surgical operations (14), obstetrics and gynecology (8). 101 of the patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery were under 18 years of age. 2908 people over the age of 18 were provided with invasive radiology (angiography) services. It should be noted that, registration and processing of information on surgical operations in the electronic register by medical facilities continues.

In January-July this year, 2 393 001 people applied to health facilities and received 11042291 medical services. Of these services, 9 054 679 (82%) were provided to persons over 18 years of age, and 1 987 612 (18%) to persons under 18 years of age.

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