15 October 2021 11:31

During September of 2021 year more than 1 000 000 medical services were provided to the population of 58 cities and regions

According to the preliminary reports submitted to the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) by health facilities where mandatory health insurance is introduced, in September of current year, 1 744 700 medical services were provided to 394 063 people in 58 cities and regions. 624 722 inquiries were received by the medical facilities, their structural units and treatment and diagnostic centers during this period. 1 575 587 medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 169 113 on an inpatient basis.

We hereby present the following statistics on the medical services provided to the population of those regions during September of current year:

The top ten cities and regions according to the number of inquiries received by medical facilities per 1000 (thousand) people: Mingachevir city (458), Yevlakh (210), Shirvan city (194), Beylagan (186), Goygol (182), Gabala (181), Ganja city (180), Agdash (171), Khachmaz (165), Ujar (162).

The top ten health facilities providing the most services: Ganja United City Hospital (133 810), Mingachevir City Central Hospital (131 128), regional central hospitals of Khachmaz (94 075), Yevlakh (76 698), Guba (72 766), Sheki (71 209), Barda (70 193), Agdash (51 843), Ismayilli (51 639) and Astara (51 506).

The top ten health facilities providing the most outpatient services: Mingachevir City Central Hospital, Ganja United City Hospital, Regional Central Hospitals of Khachmaz, Yevlakh, Sheki, Barda, Guba, Astara, Ismayilli and Ujar.

The top ten health facilities providing the most inpatient services: Ganja United City Hospital, Regional Central Hospitals of Agdash and Guba, Mingachevir City Central Hospital, Regional Central Hospitals of Khachmaz, Gusar, Shirvan city Central Hospital, Regional Central Hospitals of Goychay, Sheki and Barda.

The majority of inquiries received by medical facilities of 58 cities and regions during last month were related to medical examinations (including examinations of conscripts), diseases of the circulatory system, endocrine system, metabolic and nutritional disorders, respiratory system diseases, urogenital problems, digestive problems, musculoskeletal system diseases, diseases of connective tissue, problems of obstetrics and gynecology, diseases of the eye and the auxiliary apparatus of the eye, as well as, traumas and poisoning.

According to the number of medical services provided by 11 regional medical divisions (RMDs) during September of 2021 year, the sequence is as follows (detailed information on RMDs is provided in the link):

Barda-Yevlakh RMD (336 007), Sheki-Zagatala RMD (256 731),  Guba-Khachmaz RMD (251 028), Ganja RMD (229 147), Goychay-Kurdamir RMD (133 930), Agdam-Agjabadi RMD (126 597), Mountainous Shirvan RMD (125 928), Shamkir-Tovuz RMD (96 953), Lankaran RMD (91 641), Imishli-Sabirabad RMD (64 581) and Jalilabad-Salyan RMD (32 157).

According to the official information as of 01.01.2020, the number of the population registered in 58 administrative territorial units where mandatory health insurance is applied is 6 560 500.

It should be noted, that a total 2 586 220 medical services were provided to 615 289 people on 995 667 inquiries in September of current year. 2 211 137 medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 375 083 on an inpatient basis, upon inquiries.

In January- September this year, 3 189 704 people applied to health facilities and received 15 793 776  medical services. Of these services, 12 477 083 (79%) were provided to persons over 18 years of age, and 3 316 693 (21%) to persons under 18 years of age.

In addition, 11 721 223 medical services were provided to 2 200 061 citizens in 58 cities and regions during the reporting period on 5 157 266 inquiries.

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