21 December 2022 16:45

During the first 11 months of 2022, more than 40 million medical services were provided under mandatory health insurance

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance presents statistics on the medical services provided to citizens in the state medical facilities supervised by TABIB under mandatory health insurance during the months of January to November of 2022.

During the first 11 months of the current year, 4,354,632 people applied to state health facilities 16,374,103 times. The number of medical services provided to citizens was 40,277,004. Of the medical services, 84% were outpatient, and 16% had inpatient settings. Children accounted for 33% of the patients, and 67% were adults.

Patients' requests were mainly related to general medical examinations, diseases of the endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, bone and muscle systems, and connective tissue, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system, the eyes and auxiliary apparatuses, and the nervous system, as well as injuries and poisonings.

We hereby present the top ten health facilities that provided the most services between January and November of 2022: Baku Main Health Center, Sumgayit Medical Center, Ganja City United Hospital, Republican Clinical Hospital named after academician M.A.Mirgasimov, Clinical Medical Center, Narimanov Medical Center, Mingachevir City Central Hospital, Sabunchu Medical Center, Scientific-Research Pediatric Institute named after K.Y.Farajova, and Barda Regional Central Hospital.

Medical statistics for Baku

During the first 11 months of this year, 1,839,882 people applied to state health facilities in the city of Baku 6,691,074 times. The number of medical services provided to citizens was 16,305,250. Of the total number of applications, 41% were registered across the country, and 40% of the provided medical services were recorded in Baku.  

Medical statistics for 63 cities and regions

During the first 11 months of this year, 2,781,823 people applied 9,683,029 times to state health facilities in 63 cities and regions, excluding Baku. The number of medical services provided to citizens was 23,971,754. Of the total applications, 59% were registered across the country, and 60% of the provided medical services were recorded in the regions.

Services provided in contract-based health facilities under mandatory health insurance

The citizens are referred to contract-based health facilities to receive services that could not be provided in state medical facilities controlled by TABIB. From January to November of 2022, 183,877 referrals were provided to 149,179 citizens. During this period, the citizens who received referrals benefited from 66,860 medical services in contract-based health facilities. Of these services, 1,597 were provided to children and 65,263 to adults.

Of the medical services, 21,823 are related to ophthalmological operations, 18,268 involve cardiovascular operations, 17,179 cover invasive radiology services, 2,702 involve services related to urology, 2,443 services are related to neurosurgery, 937 services are related to traumatology, 674 services are related to general surgery, 517 services are related to ear, nose, and throat, and 144 gynecology and obstetrics services were provided. The number of other operations performed is 693. The number of cochlear implantation and endoprosthesis operations performed was 82 and 1,398, respectively.

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