05 November 2021 14:16

During the first 9 months of 2021, more than 100,000 medical services were provided to the participants of the Patriotic War and members of the families of martyrs

According to requests received by the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency), state medical facilities controlled by the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB), as well as requests sent by the YASHAT Foundation, 109,060 medical services were provided to participants in the Second Karabakh War and martyrs' families in January to September of this year.

95,443 of the medical services provided under the Mandatory Health Insurance’s Benefit Package were provided as outpatients and 13,617 provided as inpatients. Out of the 7,730 people who received medical care, 6,871 were war veterans and 859 were family members of martyrs.

The requests by the participants of the Second Karabakh War were mainly related to the care of surgical dressings and sutures, injuries caused by explosions or shrapnel during military operations, wounds caused by firearms and other weapons, chronic post-traumatic headaches, and neurasthenia (mental disorders).

Problems of the martyr's family members were mostly related to angina (ischemic heart disease), essential hypertension (high blood pressure), chronic kidney disease, chronic bronchitis, and neurasthenia (mental disorders).

During the first 9 months of this year, 381 surgical procedures were performed on 260 war veterans and 61 martyrs' families within the Mandatory Health Insurance’s Benefit Package. A total of 321 patients were provided with services for postoperative conditions (26), surgeries because of explosions or shrapnel injuries during military operations (21), groin hernia (11), tibial bone fractures (11), and fibular nerve injuries (10).

The Agency is sensitive to issues such as ensuring accessibility of medical services for participants of the Second Karabakh War and members of the families of martyrs, prompt response to their inquiries, and investigation of their complaints. The Agency shall take all necessary steps to ensure that these persons undergo a qualified medical examination, re-examination, clinical laboratory, and instrumental diagnostic examinations, as well as benefitting from medical services of medical facilities operating on a contractual basis that cannot be provided in state medical facilities.

The Agency will continue to take all important measures in accordance with the policy of ensuring the recovery of people who were wounded in military operations, as well as for members of the families of martyrs, and improving state care for their treatment.


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