30 October 2023 15:00

ENT (otolaryngology) operations covered by mandatory health insurance

Adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy operations are among the most commonly performed otolaryngology procedures covered by mandatory health insurance.

Patients seeking adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy operations will undergo a thorough evaluation by an otolaryngologist. This evaluation includes endoscopy and radiography of the nasal sinus and upper respiratory tract. The Benefit Package of mandatory health insurance encompasses pre-operative examinations, doctor's consultations, laboratory and instrumental examinations, histopathological evaluations, blood or blood component provision, and during hospital stay provision of meals for persons accompanying children under the age of 12. Doctor's follow-up is also included in the coverage.

The surgery is conducted by a surgeon otolaryngologist under general anesthesia. Anesthesia, intensive care, hospitalization, as well as the medications and medical supplies used during the procedure are all covered by mandatory health insurance.

Adenoidectomy, which involves the surgical removal of adenoids in the nasopharyngeal area, is primarily performed on children up to 14 years of age.

Indications for this operation include difficulty breathing through the nose, mouth breathing, snoring, sleeping with the mouth open, and episodes of breathing cessation during sleep lasting longer than 10 seconds. Ineffectiveness of conservative treatments can also lead to the need for surgery. If left untreated, adenoid issues can result in oxygen deficiency, jaw bone malformation, hearing impairment, and distraction.

Tonsillectomy is recommended by a doctor in cases of purulent throat complications, difficulty in swallowing, respiratory tract obstruction, and when conservative treatment proves ineffective. Failure to address chronic tonsillitis through surgery can eventually lead to rheumatic heart and kidney diseases.

It's important to note that to access medical services covered by mandatory health insurance, patients should visit any state health facility under the supervision of the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABİB) and the nine scientific research institutes of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan with a valid ID card.

To see the complete list of services included in the Benefit Package of mandatory health insurance, please click here.

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