12 April 2019 16:30

Event organized on “Preparatory year for the implementation of mandatory health insurance” by the Committee of Trade Union of Azerbaijani Health Workers

On April 12, 2019 at the initiative of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and organization of the Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Azerbaijani Health Workers, the event was held on the topic "Preparatory year for the introduction of mandatory health insurance".

The aim of the meeting was to inform the employees of health worker’s trade union organizations about mandatory health insurance, introduction of new financing mechanism of health facilities, activities projected to improve the quality of health services. About 140 employees of health worker’s trade union organizations participated in the event.

In his opening speech the chairman of the Republican Committee of Trade Union of Azerbaijani Health Workers Emin Afendiyev stressed the importance of mandatory health insurance for protection of public health. E.Afendiyev added that the implementation of mandatory health insurance will improve the quality of health care services and strengthen the material-technical support of health facilities.

The director of health insurance department of the Agency Vugar Gurbanov informed the participants about the essence of mandatory health insurance, contribution of new system to the development of health care and announced the medical data on pilot territories (city of Mingachevir, Yevlakh and Aghdash districts). He also spoke about steps, taken as part of pilot project to increase the reputation, social well-being and professionalism of health workers.
V.Gurbanov also brought to the attention of participants that working conditions of medical staff in the pilot territories have been improved, restructured the registration system at hospitals, their material-technical basis has been strengthened.

The head of the department on monitoring, analysis and actuaries Araz Nasirov described the new regulations of financing the health facilities within mandatory health insurance, mandatory health insurance models, the universal health coverage, health care system in Azerbaijan and other countries. He said the insurance fees for employees will be levied on their salaries, while for other citizens the amount fixed at 120 manat per year. A.Nasirov named the category of the population that are exempt from paying mandatory health insurance fees.

The head of the division of social insurance policy and clinical coding of the Agency Sharafat Ismayilova made a presentation on the topic of “Transition of health facilities to the mandatory health insurance system: preparatory activities”. She said in order to implement mandatory health insurance across the country next year it is essential to transform the registration system of hospitals, improve their supply and strengthen the first medical aid service. Sharafat Ismayilova also informed the participants about services included in the package of mandatory health insurance.

The director of Mingachevir city central hospital Kenul Alekperov spoke about new management mechanisms of health facilities participating in mandatory health insurance system. He stressed that to ensure the operational management of health facility, where he is the director, the units have been established in line with new structure, recruitment process carried out in accordance with new structure, material and technical basis of hospital has been renewed.
At the end of the event the employees of the Agency addressed the questions of their concerns.

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