22 September 2022 16:21

Free psychological consultation services are provided to citizens in state health facilities

Upon the initiative of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency), psychological support service is provided in state medical facilities subordinate to TABIB. This service is aimed at improving the mental health of the population and eliminating psychological stress. For this purpose, 86 staff positions for psychologists have already been created in 52 health facilities subordinate to TABIB. Currently, 45 clinical psychologists with higher education in psychology are employed in 35 medical facilities. The recruitment of clinical psychologists is planned for other medical facilities.

Although the specialized psychological support service is not included in the Benefit Package of mandatory health insurance, the service is provided free of charge due to the importance of protecting the mental health of citizens. In medical facilities, psychological support is provided to both children and adults without referral.

Experts recommend that people who experience psychological problems and stress (for example, depression, anxiety, fear, and excessive excitement/stress) in their daily lives should contact a psychologist for psychological support. According to Melek Seyidova, a psychologist at the Narimanov Medical Center, psychologists diagnose diseases from biopsychosocial aspects and use different psychotherapeutic techniques by focusing on the biological and social aspects of psychological problems:

"There may be differences in a person's feelings, thoughts, or behavior compared to the usual situation. A person may feel emotionally disturbed, or activities he/she once enjoyed may no longer feel the same. If such complaints continue for a long time, it is necessary to consult a psychologist. When a person experiences a certain situation, it leads to different thoughts. Those thoughts can also create different negative emotions. As this feeling affects the behavior of a person, it can lead to undesirable consequences. Psychotherapy is used to replace negative thoughts with alternative thoughts."

It should be noted that the free psychological service includes consultation and tests, a treatment plan according to the results of the assessment, psychotherapy treatment (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, etc.) or, if necessary, a multidisciplinary approach (e.g., working with neurologists, therapists, psychiatrists, etc.).

Psychological support is carried out based on psychological principles and methods for the purpose of eliminating psychological problems and improving interpersonal relationships, mental health, personality development, and social adaptation. Depending on the duration of psychological support, it can be urgent, one-time, short-term (up to 12 sessions), or long-term (more than 12 sessions). During the provision of psychological support, confidentiality of patient information is protected in accordance with the code of ethics.

It should be noted that mental and psychological services are provided to children and adolescents at the Children's Neurological Hospital subordinate to TABIB and the Mental Health Center operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Health in Baku. In those hospitals, children and adolescents with down syndrome and autism, with various degrees of mental retardation in speech and mental development, with behavioral disorders (e.g., attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder) are involved in rehabilitation; at the same time, psychoeducational work is carried out for these patients. Parents are also educated about their children's problems, and they are involved in therapy. Some parents are given homework to complete with the child. At the same time, general educational training is provided for parents applying to hospitals.

According to the information as of 22.09.2022, a list of health facilities where psychologists provide services: 

  1. Central Hospital of Absheron District
  2. Central Hospital of Agdam Region
  3. Republican Clinical Hospital named after Academician M. A. Mirgasimov
  4. Central Hospital of Agjabadi Region
  5. Central Hospital of Barda Region
  6. Treatment and Diagnostic Center of Barda Region
  7. Medical Center of Binagadi District (UCH No. 6)
  8. Central Hospital of Jabrayil Region
  9. Scientific-Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  10. Scientific-Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation
  11. Scientific-Research Institute of Pulmonary Diseases
  12. United Hospital of Ganja City
  13. Khazar Medical Center (UCH No. 26)     
  14. Central Hospital of Imishli Region
  15. Central Hospital of Kurdamir Region
  16. Scientific Research Institute of Pediatry named after K. Farajova
  17. Central Hospital of Guba Region
  18. Central Hospital of Lankaran Region
  19. National Hematology and Transfusiology Center
  20. Scientific Surgery Center named after M. A. Topchubashov
  21. Nizami Medical Center
  22. Narimanov Medical Center
  23. Republican Perinatal Center
  24. Republican Endocrinological Center  
  25. Surakhani Medical Center
  26. Sabunchu Medical Center (CCH No. 3)
  27. Sumgayit Medical Center (Polyclinics of City Hospital No. 1)
  28. Shirvan Treatment and Diagnostic Center
  29. Central Hospital of Shirvan Region
  30. Central Hospital of Shamakhi Region
  31. Central Hospital of Sheki Region
  32. Medical Rehabilitation Center
  33. Scientific Research Institute of Preventive Care named after V. Y. Akhundov
  34. Central Hospital of Yevlakh Region
  35. Central Hospital of Zagatala Region 

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