18 January 2021 12:25

Government officials have been vaccinated against the coronavirus

On January 18, 2021, Minister of Health Ogtay Shiraliyev and two Deputy Ministers, Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, Ramin Bayramli, Chairman of the Board of the  Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions, as well as other officials were vaccinated against the coronavirus at the Baku Health Center.

O. Shiraliyev told journalists that, as a result of the efforts of President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva, Azerbaijan was among the first countries to vaccinate the population: "Azerbaijan has bought the CoronoVAC vaccine produced by the Chinese company Sinovac. The vaccine has been clinically tested in several countries. The vaccine is very effective, and has had no side effects. "

Aliyev said that, today, vaccinations against the coronavirus have started in the country: "According to the Vaccination Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan against COVID-19 for 2021-2022, vaccination of population groups at high social and medical risk is planned. I think we will see the positive effects of the vaccine soon."

It should be noted that the main purpose of this strategy is to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in the country, reducing the rate of infection and death. The importance of the vaccine is to protect against disease by strengthening immune systems, minimize transmission of infection, prevent deaths, and, consequently, reduce the burden on the health system.

Additional information: the CoronoVAC vaccine has been developed on a traditional, reliable, and tested inactive platform. The vaccine will be brought to the country in stages.

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