06 May 2020 10:08

Health facilities involved in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic have been automated by the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance

In order to support the measures taken by the country to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Department of Information Technologies and Innovations of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) has automated 120 sample collection centers and 19 laboratories across the country. These organizations are equipped with computer hardware, printers, bar code readers, and software for prompt sampling and obtaining results.

Sampling centers, which accept samples for analysis in order to detect cases of coronavirus infection, include special health facilities, as well as emergency and urgent care services allocated for fighting against the coronavirus infection.

The purpose is to ensure that the results of coronavirus tests are automatically processed into a single database and to inform the Operations Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as other relevant government agencies, about the results electronically. The Agency also ensured the sending of SMS messages to persons with negative test results. Persons with negative test results will receive such information via SMS messages sent by the Agency.

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