22 December 2020 14:49

Health resources have been mobilized to protect the health of the population in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic

From the day the first case of infection of the new type of coronavirus was reported in the Republic of Azerbaijan, a number of government agencies have joined the fight against the pandemic, taking on the necessary preventive measures in a timely manner. Health resources have been mobilized to protect the health of the population in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Preventive measures and sanitary/disinfection work have been carrying out at all border checkpoints of Azerbaijan, including airports. Arriving and departing passengers pass strict control measures, and control over the transportation of transit cargo through the country has been increased. At the same time, measures have been taken to ensure that health facilities are supplied with the necessary drugs and disinfectants to meet sanitary/hygienic and anti-epidemic requirements. An extensive campaign is being carried out to raise the population’s awareness, with educational materials and social videos regularly distributed, broadcasted, and shared on social media platforms.

About 20,000 PCR tests per day are conducted free of charge at the public cost in 40 molecular microbiological laboratories for the detection of the COVID-19 disease in accordance with the criteria set by the World Health Organization. At present, Azerbaijan has enough stock of tests to detect the coronavirus. To date, a total of 2,073,137 tests have been conducted.

For a long time, all health structures involved in the fight against coronavirus in the country have been working under intensified conditions. The recent increase in the number of coronavirus infections has also led to an increase in the number of emergency calls. Before the pandemic, the number of telephone calls to the 103 service was 3,000, the number of calls for doctor visits was about 1,500-2,000, while now, the number of 103 calls is 10,000, and the number of calls for doctor visits is about 2,000-2,500. Despite this increase in workload, each call is executed properly. Sometimes, a large number of patients who do not need emergency medical care call 103, which leads to overloading of telephone lines and delays in the execution of calls.

It should be noted that, in addition to calls in connection with COVID-19, the 103 service receives calls for people who need emergency medical care for the following reasons: heart attack, stroke, traffic accidents, trauma, terminal conditions, childbirth, falls, and poisoning, among others. In order to ensure the timely execution of calls, they are classified by degree of severity. Before all others, the calls of more severe patients are executed. It is known that, in the hospitalization of critical patients, more time is spent on the execution of the call.

In addition, the ambulance service conducts laboratory tests for critically ill patients with a temperature above 38 degrees, as well as those with chronic diseases (pregnant women, persons suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular, respiratory diseases), shortness of breath, or asphyxia.

Polyclinics in Baku also work under intensified conditions of operation. Services for COVID-19 patients are provided seven days a week, including Saturdays and Sundays, from 08:00 to 18:00. Persons under house control in Baku contact the field doctor of the polyclinic in their area of residence or the 814 call-center of the Ministry of Health. Field doctors monitor the condition of a coronavirus-infected patients at home on a daily basis for 14 days. Citizens with no symptoms or mild symptoms are provided by the state with a vitamin complex to receive treatment at home. The complex includes preparations such as vitamin C, vitamin D3, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and paracetamol. These drugs are prescribed to patients for treatment and prevention of possible complications during the course of the disease. The services provided by the field polyclinics to the people treated at home do not include antibiotics, antiviral drugs, or intravenous injections.

The Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB) provides inpatient treatment services in all hospitals under its jurisdiction, and provides medicines to people treated at home in Sumgayit, Absheron, and other areas, except for Baku. At the same time, with the exception of Baku, polyclinics and emergency medical services in these areas are under the control of TABIB. The examination and treatment process in all medical facilities is carried out completely free of charge at the public cost in accordance with the accepted clinical protocols. All special type hospitals are fully supplied with all kinds of medicines and medical devices, including antiviral drugs such as favipİravir and remdesİvir.

Thousands of medical workers are performing their duties with dignity in order to protect the health of citizens in 48 special-type hospitals in a number of cities and regions of the country to combat the pandemic. Unfortunately, in some cases, however, some people trying to abuse their authority overshadow the merits of our doctors, who put their lives and health at risk. In order to prevent these cases, citizens can apply to both the Ministry of Health (9103 (0)) and TABIB (+99 451 513 15 42). Citizens are asked to provide information about the negative situations they encounter through the above numbers.

One of the main concerns of the population in our country is coronavirus vaccination. Vaccination has been one of the most important problems for the state since the first days of the pandemic. Bilateral and multilateral negotiations are carried out in connection with the vaccination. It is reported that several vaccines are already in their third clinical trials in the world. The most effective and reliable vaccine to pass the trials will be delivered to the country. The public will be provided with detailed information on vaccination.

It should be noted that continuous measures are being taken to improve the quality of medical services, to strengthen the material and technical supply base in this area, and to pay allowances and bonuses to medical and non-medical staff, as well as to volunteers. It should be noted that, in March through October of 2020, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance paid 123,331,000 manat in temporary allowances and bonuses to medical and non-medical staff, as well as to volunteers engaged in the fight against COVID-19 infection in accordance with the relevant decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the relevant order and resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

At the same time, medical specialists from several countries were invited to Azerbaijan in accordance with the instructions issued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers to support the medical staff and combat the novel type of the coronavirus pandemic. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, a total of 361 specialists from Turkey, Russia, Cuba, China, and Italy have been involved in the treatment of coronavirus patients. Healthcare specialists visited medical facilities involved in the fight against coronavirus in the country, working with local specialists in the field of treatment and prevention to prevent the disease. They supported local specialists in the treatment of patients with coronavirus infection and severe symptoms.

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that the development of the healthcare sector has always been the focus of the state, and the state is constantly implementing reforms to improve this area and protect the health of the population. One of the reforms in this area is the introduction of mandatory health insurance throughout the country. Thus, according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 136, dated April 10, 2020, starting January 1, 2021, 36 cities and regions (including Ganja, Naftalan, Shirvan, Gazakh, Agstafa, Tovuz, Shamkir, Gadabay, Dashkasan, Samukh, Goygol, Goranboy, Khojaly, Beylagan, Khojavend, Agjabadi, Lachin, Barda, Fuzuli, Agdam, Tartar, Kalbajar, Astara, Lankaran, Lerik, Yardimli, Masalli, Jalilabad, Neftchala, Bilasuvar, Jabrayil, Salyan, Imishli, Saatli, and Sabirab Hajigabul will join the system. On April 1, 2021, the populations of Baku, Sumgayit, Absheron, Khankendi, Gubadli, Zangilan, and Shusha will receive medical services within the Benefit Package of mandatory health insurance.

It should be noted that, starting January 1, 2020, mandatory health insurance will be provided in 23 administrative territories (Mingachevir, Gusar, Khachmaz, Guba, Shabran, Siyazan, Khizi, Gobustan, Ismayilli, Agsu, Shamakhi, Balakan, Zagatala, Gakh, Sheki, Oguz, Gabala, Goychay, Ujar, Zardab, Kurdamir, Yevlakh, and Agdash districts).

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