22 April 2021 14:22

INFORMATION from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions

In accordance with the "Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19 in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the years 2021-2022", the process of vaccination continues in the country, on a voluntary basis, and at public expense.

It should be noted that in order to prevent problems in the vaccination process, regular investigations are carried out by the relevant authorities. As a result of recent investigations, 2 employees of the United City Hospital No 14 of Baku city have been dismissed and their employment contracts terminated. Law enforcement bodies have also been informed about this case.

A total of 12 employees who had violated the principles of the vaccination process were dismissed and their employment contracts terminated.

Once again it must be reiterated that in order to prevent such issues, investigations continue, and appropriate measures will be taken against medical workers who have violated the law. 

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