02 August 2021 09:58

INFORMATION from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions

In accordance with the "Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19 in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the years 2021-2022", the process of vaccination is continuing throughout the country.

From August 9, persons with contraindications to vaccines allowed for use in the country will be issued a "Certificate of Vaccine Contraindication". “The Certificate of Contraindication to Vaccination” will be issued by the local outpatient clinics. The outpatient clinics will submit the details of these persons to the special commission established by the Ministry of Health. Based on the commission's opinion, citizens will be issued the “The Certificate of Contraindication to Vaccination".

We would like to  bring to attention of citizens who do not have contraindications to vaccination, once again the analysis of the results of the research both conducted around the world, and in our country, shows that vaccination is the most effective way of protection against the dangerous novel and rapidly spreading types of viruses..

 Alongside vaccination, the rules regarding social distancing, wearing the masks and hand hygiene should be followed.

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