02 July 2021 14:48

INFORMATION from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions

In accordance with the "Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19 in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the years 2021-2022", the vaccination process is continuing throughout the country in phases.

Based on the results of the latest scientific research and vaccination experience of several countries, the Scientific Medical Council of the Ministry of Health has adopted the following decisions:

1. The validity of the "Immunity Certificate" will be extended by 6 months if previously contracted COVID-19 and registered person receives the first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine available in the Republic of Azerbaijan after 6 months of recovery.

2. The validity of the "Vaccine Certificate" will be extended for 6 months if vaccinated citizens receive the first dose of any vaccine against COVID-19 are being used in the Republic of Azerbaijan, in accordance with the relevant medical instructions, 6 months from the date of receiving the second dose.

These persons should visit the website https://randevu.its.gov.az/ and take an online appointment for coronavirus vaccination by using the «COVID-19 vaccine appointment» service.

It should be stated that the health authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan continue to study the experience of advanced countries in the field of vaccination, and positive practices arising from scientific innovations in relation to COVID-19 will be added to the "Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19 for the years 2021-2022".

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