13 July 2021 18:11

INFORMATION from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and the Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, which has been continuing for more than a year, is a serious health problem all over the world and has created serious social and economic challenges. Our country has been successful in terms of carrying out measures against SARS-CoV-2 infection, with the organization and study of the effectiveness of vaccination. Recent strains that have appeared as a result of coronavirus mutations are causing serious concern around the world. As part of the measures taken to control the epidemiological situation in our country, the Genetic Diagnostic Center of the National Hematology and Transfusiology Center conducts regular analyzes of genetic variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

In the latest research, the B.1.617 (Delta) variant was detected in 31 samples and the B.1.1.7 variant (20 Alpha V1, UK) in 9 samples taken from people travelling to our country.

The analysis of the results of research conducted throughout the world, and in our country, has once again demonstrated that the most effective way of protecting against these new and rapidly spreading dangerous variants of the virus is vaccination. Vaccination has contributed to the stable epidemiological situation existing in our country today. We once again call on all our citizens to get vaccinated without delay.

We must not forget that in addition to vaccination, keeping a correct physical distance, the use of masks and good hand hygiene are the only way to protect against the disease, so that we can quickly return to normal life in our country, and across the world, regardless of the strain of the virus.

Let's all get vaccinated to overcome the pandemic and take a healthy step into the future!

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