25 August 2021 13:00

INFORMATION from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and the Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions

In accordance with the "Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19 in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2021-2022", the process of vaccination continues in the country.

According to recent scientific studies, it is recommended that all health care workers, people aged 60 and over, and people with weak immune systems who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 with both doses should be vaccinated with a third dose (booster dose).

To do this, citizens must go to the website https://randevu.its.gov.az/ and take an online appointment for vaccination against coronavirus using the electronic service "COVID-19 vaccination appointment".

Please note that "Vaccine Certificates" are issued for an indefinite period and the 3rd dose ("booster dose") does not affect the validity period of the Vaccine Certificates.

Analysis of the results of studies conducted around the world and in our country once again shows that the most effective way to protect against new and rapidly spreading, dangerous types of the virus is vaccination. In addition to vaccination, the requirements of physical distancing, use of masks and hand hygiene must still be followed.

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