25 October 2021 15:03

INFORMATION from the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance

In accordance with the "Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19 in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the years 2021-2022", the process of vaccination continues in the country. In August, the "booster" dose was introduced into the country.

Considering the concerns of citizens regarding the time of injection of the "booster" dose, we hereby inform the public that a person who was infected with COVID-19 and has received an "Immunity Certificate” can get a "booster" dose from the 6th month onwards, i.e., 56 days after the expiry of the certificate. By injecting the "Booster" dose, the validity period of the "Immunity Certificate” will be extended for an indefinite period.

Please note that 5 months after the infection, an online appointment for vaccination can be taken at randevu.its.gov.az.

If the period established for the administration of the booster dose, i.e., 56 days, is exceeded, then both doses should be injected to obtain a "Vaccine Certificate". 28 days after the first dose, a citizen can receive the second dose and is then fully vaccinated. In these cases, the "Immunity Certificate" should be replaced with a "Vaccine Certificate".

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