05 March 2021 12:57

Information of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, and the Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions

In accordance with the Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19, in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the years 2021-2022, the vaccination of persons aged 50 and older against COVID-19 is now being carried out.

Individuals in this age group should visit https://randevu.its.gov.az/ and make an online appointment for vaccination against coronavirus by using the electronic service “COVID-19 vaccine appointment”.

However, some citizens have been going directly to a health facility without making an online appointment for vaccination against coronavirus. This causes overcrowding in health facilities. In these cases, as a sign of respect, the staff of the health facilities have to serve these elderly people and not refuse them.

Another reason for overcrowding at vaccination facilities is the early or late arrival of some persons using the online appointment service for vaccinations.

To avoid such situations, we ask our citizens to make an appointment for coronavirus vaccination at https://randevu.its.gov.az/ and come to the vaccination facility at the appointed time.

Persons who have a problem with electronic registration, may call their local polyclinic and the registrars will help them to make an online appointment.

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