29 October 2020 12:12

Information of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance

Today, the healthcare system of Azerbaijan is struggling on two fronts. With the support of Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief and Mehriban Aliyeva, First Vice-President, our health resources have been mobilized on the front lines and in the fight against coronavirus, and all necessary steps are being taken.

We are proud of the support provided by our people to the state by demonstrating unity and solidarity in such an important period for our country. Actions in support of the army by citizens are becoming a nationwide movement with a high sense of patriotism.

Recently, many Azerbaijani businessmen have increasingly applied to provide support to health care system and the army. Businessmen provide support to the improvement of the material and technical, and supply base of health facilities across the country. The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) expresses its gratitude to these people and appreciates this activity.

Given increased number of support initiatives, we consider it advisable to apply to the Agency in order to carry out support activities for health facilities in a centralized manner and improve the efficiency of support. Inquiries should be sent to the e-mail address (support@its.gov.az).

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