25 May 2021 17:03

Information of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance on obtaining vaccine and immunity certificates

The “Vaccine certificate” is issued to persons who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 infection (with two doses), and the “Immunity certificate” is issued to those who have been infected and have recovered from the disease.

To obtain these certificates, one should select the sub-section "Access to the Personal Account" (https://kabinet.its.gov.az/az/index) of the E-services section on the official website of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance. This section has also been integrated into the MyGov portal.

To register in the “ASAN Login” system, a user will enter their PIN (personal identification number), “Asan İmza (signature)”, Electronic signature or BCSC (Bank Certificate Services Center). After registration, the “Other services” section will open in the new window.

When the “Other services” section is selected, the options "Vaccine certificate" and "Immunity certificate" will be displayed on the screen.

If a person has been vaccinated, the "Vaccine certificate" should be selected. A person who had been infected and recovered from the disease should select the “Immunity certificate”.

In this case the certificates can be downloaded in electronic format or printed out. It should be noted that the authenticity of the COVID-19 passport can be verified by the “QR Code” provided in the document.

In addition, these certificates can be obtained through the "E-Tabib" mobile application.

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