08 July 2022 12:45

Joint information of the Ministry of Health, State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, and TABIB

Despite the efforts of the world’s countries in fighting against the coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and taking preventive measures, it is not possible to completely prevent the pandemic.

According to statistics recorded in recent days, there is an increase in the number of people infected with COVID-19. According to the information of the World Health Organization, during the last week, the cases of infection increased by about 20 percent globally. Against the background of high growth observed in the world, the epidemiological situation in Azerbaijan has been stabilized over the past few months as a result of the important preventive measures implemented in our country as well as the active participation of the population in the vaccination process.

During the last week, the number of infections in Azerbaijan increased by about 48 percent. The epidemiological situation in our country is carefully monitored and controlled by health authorities. If the dynamics of infection intensifies, the relevant measures can be considered.

In addition, it should be stated that our country has an adequate supply base, supply of medicines, and sufficient beds for anti-COVID measures.

In most cases, people infected with COVID-19 have a mild progress of disease, but some people (specifically, those over 65 years of age and those with any co-morbidities) have a relatively severe progress. People in the risk group are advised to strictly follow the sanitary and hygienic rules; if they have the symptoms of the coronavirus, they should first inform a local physician and apply to take test samples.

Health authorities urge citizens to vaccinate with a second dose or booster dose to protect against the virus, given the decrease in the level of protective immunity six months after recovery.

In addition to vaccination, it is recommended to follow the rules of a special quarantine regime. Let's not forget that keeping physical distance and following personal hygiene rules is the only way to protect against the disease, regardless of the mutation of the virus.

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