17 November 2022 11:20

Medical aid event was held for the internally displaced families in Tartar

The Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Azerbaijan in partnership with the State Committee for Refugee and IDP Affairs, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and “Caspian Compassion Project” Public Union organised a medical aid event in the conflict-affected region of Tartar for the IDP families.

The event took place on 15-18 November in Tartar Culture Center where at least 1500 persons were examined by four ophthalmologists deployed by the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance from central hospitals of Tartar, Barda and Aghdam. Internally displaced people, mainly from Aghdam, Lachin and Kalbajar temporarily residing in Tartar, benefitted from the event. Based on prescriptions issued by the ophthalmologists, the beneficiaries received optical eyeglasses donated by the Japanese Fuji Optical Co. Ltd. The persons requiring additional medical examination and treatment were referred to the relevant medical institutions.

UNHCR is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action, in cooperation with national authorities, to protect and find solutions for refugees worldwide. The Agency has been operating in Azerbaijan since December 1992 when the country was challenged with massive displacement.

The Japanese Fuji Optical Co. Ltd. has undertaken annual vision aid missions to Azerbaijan since 2005. The Japanese company carried out 15 vision aid missions to Azerbaijan and conducted eye-screenings for more than 33,000 internally displaced persons, refugees, asylum seekers and other vulnerable people in Azerbaijan, along with donating 65,000 pairs of high-quality eyeglasses.

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