31 May 2022 12:22

Medical examinations were held at the children's shelter

At the initiative of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency), medical examinations were organized for children living in the children's shelters in the city of Baku.  

The medical examinations were held on occasion of International Children's Protection Day (June 1) in four children's shelters and in one children's rehabilitation center on May 19-24. The main purpose of medical examination is to detect and prevent  health problems  of children who are in need of special care and deprived of parental care.

Children and adolescents aged 1-18, as well as women living in children's shelters, underwent medical examinations included in the Benefit Package of mandatory health insurance. A total of 168 persons, including 10 women, participated in the six-day action. They were examined by a team of doctors consisting of a pediatrician, therapist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, general surgeon, otolaryngologist, and endocrinologist of the Scientific-Research Institute of Cardiology named after academician J.M.Abdullayev and Children's Polyclinic No. 8.

Laboratory tests were also conducted to assess the general health condition of the children. Blood samples were taken and sent for laboratory screening to get the general and biochemical blood indicators, and the levels of thyroid hormones and vitamins D and B12. As a result of examinations, vitamin D deficiency was found in 90% of children, and thyroid hormone levels exceeded the norm in a few. Based on the test results, the pediatrician prescribed the treatment.

Ultrasonography (USG) and echocardiography (ECHO) functional and instrumental examinations were also carried out in shelters using portable examination devices. According to the examination results, congenital heart defect was detected in one child, splenomegaly (increased weight and size of the spleen) in two children, axillary furuncle (purulent-necrotic inflammation) in one teenager, and chronic calculous cholecystitis (gallstone disease) in one woman. It was decided to perform surgical operations on four people, one of whom required a heart operation.

According to the instructions of the general surgeon, X-rays of the spinal column of 15 children were performed, and the medicines prescribed for treatment were provided to the shelter by the Agency. In inpatient setting, eye tests were performed on 22 persons, 4 persons and 3 persons underwent neurological and endocrinological examinations respectively. One person was diagnosed with itchy skin disease and was hospitalized at the Children's Dermatovenereal Clinic for treatment.

The children in the shelter were provided with necessary medicines and optical glasses free of charge. 

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